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Are You READY for it? - Kunes RV Blog

Published on Mar 20, 2023 by Kunes RV Team

It’s officially spring and you know what that means; camping season is right around the corner! With that in mind, it’s time to start thinking about getting your RV in shape and ready for that first trip. Here are a few quick tips to make sure your camper is looking good for the season.

  • BREAK THE ICE:  First things first make sure you apologize to your RV for leaving it all alone and out in the cold during the winter months. Promise that you’ll make up for it over the summer.
  • CHECK IT OUT: Give your RV a quick inspection to see if there are any obvious issues.  Try not to make your RV feel self-conscious about any scratches or damage it may have acquired over the long winter months.
  • FLUID RETENTION: Check all the fluids and make sure everything is topped off.  Just like your own body, you don’t want your RV running on empty.
  • A LITTLE RECHARGE: If you removed the battery over the winter, give it a good charge before putting it back in.  Your RV doesn’t want to feel sluggish or like it’s hauling around dead weight all season.
  • SPEAKING OF WEIGHT:  Spring is the perfect time to check your tire pressure and make sure everything is balanced.  You don’t want your RV feeling unsteady on it wheels. 
  • HIT THE SHOWER:  Now is the time to clean out all the nooks and crannies in your RV. Look for any evidence that critters have taken up residence and take care of sealing up those entry points.
  • SPA DAY: Give your RV a good scrub-down both inside and out.  Who doesn’t like a little pampering? 
  • TRAIL MIX: Spring is a great time to start thinking about that first trip out.  Make a list of all of the essentials you’ll need to keep your trip energy UP! Missing something? Visit our parts and accessories store at RVPandA!
  • COMPATIBILITY TEST:  Finally, take your RV out for a test drive to make sure everything is working properly and that you still like one another after a long winter apart. 

At Kunes RV, we know just how to get your RV into shape for the camping season. We’ve got some great Service Packages that will help make sure your RV is ready to hit the road (or the campsite) this spring.  

Kunes RV has 14 dealerships to serve you better. Find the service center closest to you by clicking HERE. Head off any issues BEFORE camping season starts. Book your service appointment TODAY!

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