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RV Tips: 3 Fun Fall Activities for Kids - Kunes RV Blog

Published on Oct 25, 2021 by Kunes RV Team

RV Tips: 3 Fun Fall Activities for Kids
October 25, 2021 By Kunes RV

Keeping your kids entertained at the campground is easy in the fall! With all the beautiful leaves, cool weather, and plenty of fun fall activities to try, your crew will love exploring the campground this fall! Check out these RV tips for keeping your kids and toddlers entertained this fall.

Leaf Scavenger Hunt

In the fall, leaves are not only abundant, but they are beautiful and fun to play with! Take your kids on a leaf scavenger hunt and try to find a leaf of every fall color!  The kids will love picking through the fallen leaves and finding unique patterns!

Other Scavenger Hunt Ideas:

  • Find different types of nuts: acorns, walnuts, chestnuts, etc.
  • Cool rocks
  • Give them a camera and have them get pictures of different kinds of birds

Leaf Crafts

After your scavenger hunt, you can use the collected leaves to make a beautiful piece of art! Use a foam board and draw a big tree on it. Then, you can give the kids glue sticks and let them glue their beautiful finds to the picture and create a work of art! You can even save this piece so that you can remember the fun times you had together for years to come.

You can also have the kids gather leaves and then make a picture all their own using the pieces of the leaves for colors instead of drawing. This is a great way to engage their creativity.

Paint Pumpkins

One of our favorite fall activities is painting pumpkins. We prefer to paint instead of carve because it’s easier for the little ones, and the pumpkins last a lot longer. You can use acrylic paints, but we’ve found that paint pens work best. Additionally, if you’d like to make cute little pumpkin ghosts, get a few butternut squashes, spray paint them white, and have the kids add eyes and mouths!

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