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RV Tips: 4 Reasons to Head South this Winter - Kunes RV Blog

Published on Oct 27, 2021 by Kunes RV Team

RV Tips: 4 Reasons to Head South this Winter
October 27, 2021 By Kunes RV

Are you tired of spending your winters shivering and trudging through the slush and snow? If so, it may be time to reconsider where you spend your winters! Join hundreds of campers who head south for the winter! These RV tips will show you why so many snowbirds love to relocate to the south for the winter.

Avoid the Cold

The biggest reason so many make the trip south is to avoid the cold. Even though the southern states experience cooler temperatures in the winter, it’s usually extremely mild compared to everywhere else. If you are looking to spend some time on the beach, shake off the chilly weather and set your sights on a southern RV park for the winter.

Fewer Crowds

Even though many snowbirds head to the campground to escape the winter, there are fewer crowds than in the regular season by a large margin. The campgrounds, beaches, hiking trails, and other local sights will all be much more accessible and easy to visit during the winter months since fewer families can make the trip during this time than the regular season.

See the Wildlife

Due to the lack of crowds and mild weather, the wildlife in many of the nation’s National Parks come to life in the winter. You’ll be able to catch rare glimpses of birds, deer, and other wildlife while hiking the trails during the autumn and winter. Be sure to bring your camera!

Off-Season Pricing

Because the fall and winter months are often less crowded, many campgrounds and some National Parks will offer off-season pricing, which can help to make your snowbird trip more affordable! Be sure to call ahead to ensure your destination is offering off-season pricing and get your spot reserved ASAP.

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