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RV Tips for Safe Driving During the Holidays - Kunes RV Blog

Published on Dec 28, 2021 by Kunes RV Team

RV Tips for Safe Driving During the Holidays
December 28, 2021 By Kunes RV

If you’re getting ready to hitch up and haul your new or used RV to visit loved ones this week – or maybe simply drive to a warmer climate for the winter – here are some RV tips for safe driving during the holidays.

Make a List – and Check it Twice!

The last thing you want to experience while on the road is needing an essential item only to discover you left it behind. Loading an app like *RV Checklist *(find it in your app store – it’s free!) will help you make sure you’ve packed all the essentials and you’re not leaving anything behind. But, it probably won’t remind you to pack the Christmas gifts for the kids and grandkids – so make sure you check _that _list, and check it twice!

Be Road-Ready

Tires and tire pressure should be checked before setting out for any road trip, and it’s double important in the cold. Many new and used RVs are outfitted with tires that are ideal for use and roadway conditions in the summer – and you may want to bring your RV in to our service department for some routine maintenance and to check your tires to see if they’re suitable for driving in winter roadways. Changing them out for snow tires may prove a valuable investment.

Also, keep in mind that when temps drop, so does tire pressure. Keep an eye on your tire pressure, check it regularly, and adjust as necessary.

Slow Down

The roadways are jammed with lots of holiday travelers, and dramatic shifts in the weather only complicates it. *Don’t speed – especially in an RV. *Contribute to a safer road trip for your family as well as countless other people on the road by being a mindful, patient driver. Don’t hesitate to pull off at a rest stop if the roads start getting icy. Larger vehicles are at a higher risk for more dangerous accidents when the roads are bad, so pull over if you need to. A short term delay in your travels could save a life – and it could be yours!

Don’t Drive Tired

Finally, depending on how long your road trip is, plan wisely to break it up into shorter driving increments – no more than 6-8 hours a day. Use the *Overnight Parking Finder app *to find a good place to park your RV for the night. Does breaking up your road trip into multiple days stretch it out? Yes – but well-rested drivers are better drivers.

We’d love to help make sure your RV is road-ready, so don’t hesitate to contact us today. We hope these RV tips for safe driving during the holidays help you reach your destination and loved ones safe and sound!

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